Removing Decades of Soot and Grime at the Emerson Flats and the Old School

Within the courtyard connecting the Emerson Flats and the Old School, decades of soot and grime were washed away, and a new glass-and-steel lobby and stair enclosure was constructed. The buff brick was restored, and new aluminum windows were installed. The steel and bluestone stairs, which had been concealed behind corrugated metal panels, were restored and a new glazed system was installed meeting the requirements for fire and life safety while providing daylight to reach apartment doors.

#eskwarchitects #eskwa #clintonhousingdevelopment #CHDC #emerson #oldschool #buildingrestoration #historicaldetailing #renovation #masonry #historicpreservation #higginsquasebarthandpartners


Flood Proofing Ocean Wonders: Sharks!


A Bright Main Stair for PS32K