St. Anselm’s Apartments is Looking Polished!
With the scaffolding down, the new copper panels are glowing in the sunlight, adding warmth and elegance to the design. Over time, they’ll age gracefully, developing a patina that will beautifully complement the timeless brick façade.
Landscaping: #Sassafras55
Structural Engineering: @silman.structural
M/E/P Engineering: @loringconsultingengineersinc
Civil Engineering: @keycivil
Lighting: #JimConti
Energy: @brightpowerinc
GC: #MountcoConstruction
#eskwa #eskwarchitects #CatholicHomesNY #NazarethHousing #MottHaven #Development #StAnselmStRoch #ByzantineStyle #AffordableHousing #SupportiveHousing #ResidentialDesign #MultifamilyHousing #HousingDesign#UnderConstruction #CopperDetails #StAnselmsApartments #DesignWithContext